Don't forget our PTSO Meeting is tonight at 5:45 in the BCMS Media Center. Come learn about Zollipops and dental hygiene with Nurse Harrell!

Report Card Pickup is Monday 1/7/19 from 5:00-6:30 at BCMS. Stop by and visit with your child's teachers.

Early dismissal times for December 20th have been posted to our website and Facebook pages.

Parents, please help us reflect on what we are doing at BCMS.
Parent Survey: http://gshs.gadoe.org/Lists/Parents/NewForm.aspx

All are invited to the first ever BCMS Literacy Night TONIGHT, 10/24/18, at 5:30 pm in the BCMS Media Center. Brian Stewart will be the guest speaker and available for a book signing.

Parents, Teachers, and Students,
Please join us for our next PTSO meeting on Thursday, October 4th at 5:30 in the media center. We will work together to make plans for the Sadie Hawkins Dance. Bring a friend and some fun ideas for the dance.

Mark your calendars! BPI will be here on Thursday, 10/4, to photograph all BCMS staff and students. Below is a direct online link for you to prepay for your child's pictures.

BCMS students will dismiss from BCHS on Friday at 1:00. Car riders will dismiss from the back parking lot. Parents and guardians will enter from Moultrie Highway for pick-up; there will be a School Resource Officer directing you to the back parking lot.

Title I Parent Information Night begins at 5:30 this afternoon!

Please join us tonight for the first 2018-19 BCMS PTSO Meeting(Parent Teacher Student Organization) at 5:30 in the BCMS media center.

This is OUR HOUSE!!! Click on the link below to see #this Is Our House #we Are BCMS!!!

BCMS Route 52 will be delayed today. Students who ride this route will be picked up from BCMS at 3:30 and will arrive home approximately 30-40 minutes after the anticipated time.

Please report to the CAFETERIA for 6th grade #JumpStart at 1:00 p.m. today. PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE BUS RAMP.

Brooks County Schools will have their first day of school on August 6th, 2018. BCMS begins at 8:00 a.m. Dismissal will begin at 2:55 p.m.

Join us for a BCMS CHEERLEADING COMMUNITY SHOWCASE on Friday, July 27 @ 1:00 p.m. in the BCMS gymnasium.

#weAreBCMS and #bcmsTORCH will host Sixth Grade Jump Start and TORCH Orientation on Tuesday, July 31st. Please report to the BCMS Gymnasium at 1:00 p.m. Students will attend Jump Start for 2 hours.

BCMS OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, August 2nd from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Summer ECHOES begins on June 4th and ends on June 28th. Students attend Monday-Thursday, 8:00-4:00. If you have questions, contact Sandra McDonald, Site Director, at 229-561-4118.

Congratulations to the House of Periploki for winning the 2017-2018 House Competition! They will celebrate today at 2:30 with an all white party!

PBIS Water Day will be held on Tuesday, May 22nd. Get ready for water slides, balloons, and lots of fun in the sun! This will recognize all students with no referrals for the year.