Quitman Elementary Goals


ELA Goal FY24

During the 2023-2024 school year, K-2nd grade will increase the percentage of students scoring “On or Above Grade Level”

on the Acadience assessment and 4th and 5th grade will increase the percentage of students scoring “On or Above Grade

Level” on the HMH assessment.


o K- from 52% to 60%

o 1st - from 47% to 57%

o 2nd- from 47% to 50%

o 3rd- from 39% to 49%


o 4th- from 10.1% to 29%

o 5th- from 26.3% to 36%

During the 2023-2024 school year, 3rd-5th grade will increase the number of students scoring a Level II, III, and IV by 3%

on the ELA portion of the Beacon Assessment.

Math Goal FY24

During the 2023-2024 school year, K-2 grade will increase the percentage of students scoring “On or Above Grade Level”

on the iReady Math diagnostic assessment.

o K from 1% to 45%

o 1st – from 3% to 40%

o 2nd - from 7% to 45%

o 3rd- from 6% to 38%

o 4th- from 4% to 35%

o 5th- from 9% to 40%

During the 2023-2024 school year, 3rd-5th grade will increase the number of students scoring a Level II, III, and IV by 3% on the

Math portion of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System.

Science Goal FY24

During the 2023-2024 school year, 5th grade will increase the number of students scoring a Level II, III, and IV by 3% on the

Science portion of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System.